
It’s me in Black Enterprise online mag.

It’s me in Black Enterprise online mag. (Bus to shopping spree at Macy’s.(can you find me?) Then, Check out Pg 9.

How To Influence Influential People To Get What You Want

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I have some exciting BUSINESS news – and I am about to burst out the seams to share it with you but I am nervous about it.

You see I am re-branding and reinventing my business for 2015. I was going to wait to share the news but I am absolutely beside myself with excitement so I decided to share it with you now.

I have been working with a great business coach and she has rocked my business world. After a few years in business, my business has experienced some success and I have completely failed in many areas.  Have you ever felt excited and nervous at the same time?  That’s how I feel right now.

You know how you can help people and forget to help yourself. Oprah recently helped Iyanla fix her house, since Iyanla has done so much to help others fix their life, it is easy to forget about you.   I have done the same thing and I am sure you probably have too.

So now I have a simple favor to ask of you…. it will not cost you a cent, just a minute or two of your time.

I have had so many people ask me how I have been able to do some of the things I’ve done, travel to the places I gone, and speak all over the country.  People ask me “how did you do it so fast.”

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So, I decided to share with you one of my secrets to growth and help as many people as I can personally and professionally achieve the same type of growth and skip some of my failures. I’ll be sharing some of those failures with you soon.

I am currently creating a training course that teaches you how to become a person of influence to get what you want, the way you want it, when you want it. Building influence has been a secret weapon for my business and me.

I want to teach you some techniques and skills that I have used that worked for me. I plan to launch this training program in January 2015 along with the rebrand of my business.

What is influence? Influence is what great leaders are made of. Influence can create wealth. Influence can open doors that would never open for others. Stevie Wonder said, “We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.” I want to show you how I use influence to grow my business. I am still learning and researching the power of influence.

The Power of Influence is a game changer.

Could you see yourself on this list of influential game changers?

  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Bill Clinton
  • Steve Harvey
  • Bill Gates
  • Insert your name here

These people have the influence to sell out stadiums, create multi-million dollar brands for themselves and others and make change in the world. You could have that same type of impact as well, if you learn how to become an influencer.

I’m putting together this awesome training course on Influence and would like to gain additional information from you to make it even better. Your feedback will influence the program content.

Click this link to complete a 4-question survey on influence.

Your responses are completely anonymous and your feedback will help hundreds of people all over the world. Now that is Influence.

Thanks for your help.

Becky A. Davis


I’ll keep you up to date on my business re-brand and the new influence course. Plus, I’m coming up with some idea’s of how I can reward you for your help.  Stay tuned.

3 Signs of Poor Leadership from Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson

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All eyes are on Ferguson after the shooting of Michael Brown.  If you don’t know what happening in Ferguson then you have been living under a rock.  

As I watch what’s happening, it’s sad and I can understand the anger of so many people.  What I do not understand is the unnecessary violence and looting.  How can destroying businesses and stealing resolve the issue?  It can’t.  

Ferguson’s Chief of police Thomas Jackson is the reason for his police officers unacceptable actions and performance.  When employees break a policy and it’s not addressed in a manner that’s clear thatt the behavior is unacceptable, it sends the message to the employee that it’s okay.  

Signs of poor leadership from Chief Thomas Jackson: 

  1. Tarnish vs Tact: When the police chief made the decision to release the video to tarnish Michael Brown’s image, that action told the officers that tact and diplomacy is not important, but that justification of wrong actions is what’s important.  Great leaders focus handeling tough situations with tact.
  2. Cover instead of Courage:  The chief kept the officers name under cover for almost a week instead of having the courage to share the information.  
  3. Dislike vs Diversity:  The Ferguson police depart is not diverse and does not mirror the community. When the community feell the dislike from the police officers, that comes from and enviornment that accepts that behavior. Great leaders understand that diversity is a way to grow and build great teams and businesses.    

Granted, employees will do things on their own, but it seems clear that in Ferguson the chief of police had lead poorly and his officers are following his lead. Leaders have a resonsibility to train, develop and guide employees to be better than they thought possible. When you are responsible for other peopole it’s a huge responsibility that must be taken seriously.  

The Fergerson’s police department needs a leadership intervention.  

Pray for our country and focus on unity.

Becky A. Davis, Leadership Transformation Coach @mvpwork 

You can’t stumble on something great sitting down.

Stop waiting for things to happen, and make them happen.  Crossing your fingers don’t work.  People keep complaining, but they do nothing about it.  

Get up off your butt and do something! 

Becky A. Davis

Leadership Transformation Coach Becky Davis works with leaders in corporate and small business owners on business growth though effective leadership. Becky helps small businesses stay up after they start up. Davis specializes in helping leaders build their business and boost their bottom line through effective and engaging leadership.  She also helps a personal development coach. 

Go to to learn more.

What Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas Can Teach Entrepreneurs

Gabby Douglas

In 2010 Gabby Douglas at the age of 14 left her hometown and family and moved to Iowa to be coached by elite trainer Liang Chow.  She dreamed of being an Olympic gold medal winner since she was eight.  She started in gymnastics at age six and won her first competition at age eight.  To do that, she need to acquire new skills and techniques that would help her improve her ability and her chances to be an Olympic winner.  Working with Liang Chow helped her do just that; Gabby became the first African American to win the all-around event in 2012.


Acquiring new skills is what helped Gabby Douglas achieve her dream of winning a gold medal and being an Olympic champion.  What skills are you acquiring to help yourself and build your business?


What you did to start your business will not be enough to sustain your business.  Innovation and technology is moving too fast for you not to move with it.  Again, I ask, how are you acquiring new skills?


As an entrepreneur, to grow your business to a profit goal that you have never seen before is going to require you to do something you never done before.   Have you ever,


  • Hired a business coach?
  • Invested some of your profits in stock to create additional income?
  • Attended a 2-3 day conferences to help you develop personally?
  • Been apart of an entrepreneur mastermind group?
  • Invested in a publicist?


These are just a few examples of entrepreneurs acquiring and learning new skills that will grow you personally and professionally.


If you have never played golf before, you can go to the course and figure it out as you go but believe me it will take longer, you will make a lot of people angry and you just might get thrown off the course.  Or you can take lessons and learn the basics and the principles of the game.  You will learn how to hold your clubs and how to position your body.  Said differently you can acquire the skills you need by asking for and seeking out help.


You don’t have to know everything as an entrepreneur, as long as you can find someone one who knows how to teach you what you need to know.


Take it from a determined eight year old gymnast, acquire the skills you need and you too could create a business full of gold.


Becky A. Davis


Leadership Transformation Coach


“Helping small businesses stay up long after they start up.”


Why women entrepreneurs are losing money because of one word


A small three-letter word is one of the hardest words for a lot of people to use, especially women.  ASK.  Why do we find it difficult to ask for help or to ask for what we need or for what we want.  When you don’t ask, ladies you are sitting on money.


At the Pennsylvania governor’s conference for women, which bring together 4,500 women from around the world with the aim at promoting gender balance in leadership and facilitating rousing debates, discussions and learning.  The women who attend the conference are extremely bright—most hold advance degrees and are very successful professionally.  They are also engaged, vocal and motivated when it comes to shaping the trajectory of their careers.  The speaker, Selena Rezvani started her speech with a question, “Who in this room counter-offered when negotiating your current salary?”  About 10 percent of the women raised their hands.


Scary isn’t it?  It’s surprising but not unique.  According to research of Carnegie Mellon’s Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever, women report a “great deal of apprehension” about asking at a rate of 2.5 times more than men.  Selena writes about this in her book Pushback.


You would think in 2013 that would not be the case since there are so many women in the workforce, own their own businesses and women earn more degrees than men, yet we struggle to ask for what we want or ask for needed help.


As a woman entrepreneur, what do you need to grow your business right now?  If you know the answer, ask for help.  If you don’t know the answer, ask for help.  Too often, women sit and wait for the answer to appear or for the focus area to fix itself.  How many of you have made statements like, “I don’t know how to use social media for my business?” or “I can’t blog to grow my business,” or “I struggle getting my employees to do what I need them to do.”  Guess what we all struggle in areas of our business but the difference between a long-term sustainable business and a short-term business is asking for help.   You are losing money by not asking for help.


Answer these questions:


  • Where do I struggle in my business?
  • Why am I not taking action in this area?
  • Who can help me with this?
  • When will I reach out and seek the help I need?


These questions will help you interrogate yourself and cause you to think and hopefully act on what you need to do grow your business and your profits.


Becky A. Davis


Leadership Transformation Coach


“Helping small businesses stay up long after they start up.”




Entrepreneur First Step To Sobriety


In August 1938, Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith started the first fellowship of Alcoholic Anonymous.   The first step to sobriety, as published by AA was: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol-that our lives has become unmanageable.”  Of all the steps to sobriety, why do they start with admitting?


Well I have a few thoughts about why.  Before you can truly break free and be successful at anything you must first admit where you are stuck and that you need help.   Why is this so hard to do for so many human beings?  To admit and acknowledge that you need help with your business is a success principle.  When you are under the influence, you do not make sound decisions, you struggle to be a forward thinker, you are not visionary, you priorities are all mixed up and you do things that can harm you personally.  It’s the same when you business is under the influence of a leader who is not clear in their thinking and actions.  You not only can harm you business but the people who work with you. It time to sober up your business.  


Entrepreneurs must also take this first step if you want to break the profit ceiling that you have been trying to get past.  Too often as an entrepreneur, you struggle too long without acknowledging that you need help.  You don’t want anyone to know that you don’t know how to do something and you want everyone to believe that you have it all together.  Guess what, you are only hurting yourself and your business. 


Alcohol Anonymous has twelve steps for personal recovery.  Entrepreneurs you must take the first step for personal and professional recovery, admit and acknowledge that you need help.  Your business cannot recover if you act like everything is okay even though you know you are losing business.   Where does your business need help?


  • Profit growth
  • Strategic planning
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Productivity
  • Dealing with poor performing employees
  • Recruiting, Hiring,
  • Business coach
  • Team building
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Critical Thinking


It’s time to take that first step to recovery, admit that you need help then to seek out the help you need to grow your business.  America is losing too many small businesses because of entrepreneur’s with too much pride. 


The reason admitting that you are losing power and that your business is becoming hard to manage is so important because it means YOU own what’s happening and that you are ready to change you and your business.  The success rate of AA members that admit themselves into a recovery program is much higher than AA members that start the program because someone else forced them to go. 


If you business is struggling or you want to grow a successful business to new levels, try saying these words, “My name is ______________ and I need help to consistently grow my business.” 


Congratulations, you just took the hardest step


Becky A. Davis


Leadership Transformation Coach


“Helping small businesses stay up long after they start up.”






Crisis Management: How to have a plan before it is too late.

Going out of business 6.15.36 PMI have a question for you.  If the economy were to go into a downturn next week, do you have a plan in place for your business to keep making money or would you be caught off guard?  In 2008 when the downturn hit the US economy so many small businesses were not ready for it.  From 2008 to 2010 there were over 400,000 small businesses that closed their doors.

What is your plan if a crisis happen in your business.  If you have no plan, don’t be surprised if your business fail.

Here are three questions to answer that will let you know if you have planned effectively for an economy change.

  1. Do I have people who work for me that believes in what we are doing and they help bring in new business consistently?
  2. Does my entire team deliver exceptional service above our competitors to create customer loyalty?
  3. Am the only business with this product or service, the customes have to come to me?

If you answered yes to all three question, you will survive a change in the economy but if you answered no, you have some work to do.

As you plan your business, make sure you have plans in place for the unexpected so that your entire business do not suffer.

Becky A. Davis,

Leadership Transformation Coach,



Productivity Tips for Small Business Owners

Productivity is doing the right things in the right order.  You can do alot of activity but it does not mean that you are productive.  Being productive will help you increase your profits and revenue.

There are three kinds of productivity:

  • High Dollar – activities that directly impact your bottom line.
  • Low Dollar – activities that must be done but prioritized so you do not spend too much time on them
  • No Dollar – activities that are distractions that move you away from work.

To be productive, 80% of you day should be focused on high dollar activities and 20% on low dollar.  Unfortunately, it usually happens the opposite way.  When you spend too much time in low dollar you are putting of potential profits.

Becky A. Davis

To learn more go to

Life and Leadership

Life and leadership can look the same.  I believe the same principles you use as a leader, you should use in your personal life as well.

I want to share with you three leadership tips that allows you to look inside yourself and self correct.  I am currently attending the Black Enterprise Women of Power Summit and I have been so inspired that I wanted to share some of the great information with you in the hopes that it inspires you as well.

Every session, I can’t wait to hear what will be said, so that I can figure out how to apply it to my life, business and leadership.  Cathy Hughes the founder of TV and Radio One has inspired me by her sheer tenasity to keep knocking on doors no matter how many of them closed on her.

Ursula Burns the CEO of Xerox is so down to earth and real.  Her mother instilled in her at an early age some great foundational wisdom.  She lost her mother when she was 25 but what her mother taught her has guided her life to this day.  It reminded me of my mother.

There are just a couple of the great women that I have had the pleasure of learning from this week.  It is a blessing and an honor to be here.

Take some time and do the 3 steps I share in this video, I know it will change your world.


Be transformed,

Becky A. Davis (claim your free gift)

PS  Don’t forget to register to attend my leadership event.  Go to to get the details