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Torch Bearer for Purpose

The olympic torch started in Olympia Greece.  Originally the torch was lit at Olympia and then carried by relay to the host-city.  The last runner carries the torch into the olympic stadium during the opening ceremony.  The flame is then lit from the torch and will remain until it was extinguished during the closing ceremony.

The first torch runner was in 1936 from Greece to Germany.  There were 3330 runners that brought the flame through Greece, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungry, Austria, Chechoslovikia and Germany.

To be a torch bearer was considered an honor only given to local residents with a record of community service in addition to atheltes and celebrities.

You could not be a torch bearer if you did not serve others. Community service showed that there was a cause that you were passionate about and wanted to be apart of supporting or helping improve the cause.  The torch bearer carries the flame from one place to another, always lit.

When you get to work each day are you being an M.V.P. work torch bearer?  Do you see what you do everyday as a greater cause that’s connected to serving others?  Do you carry your M.V.P. work flame with you from person to person?

M= Meaning.   Do you know the true meaning behind what you do at work?
V=Values.       Do you apply your personal values at work or deny your values at work?
P=Purpose.     Do you work to make a difference by what you do at work?

If you answered yes to these questions, then you are a MVP player and work is good. Congratulations!

If you answered no, these are some side affects.

  • You leave work unfulfilled.
  • You look at work as a job that pays the bills.
  • You are not engaged at work.
  • You make sure you are jjust compliant.
  • You are not committed to what you do.
  • Your results are inconsistent.
  • You are not as creative as you could be at work.

Arnold Glasow said, “Every great accomplishment is the story of a flaming heart.”  

You can reignite the flame.


First, start by looking for the larger meaning of the type of work you do.  Ask yourself, “What is the significance of what I do everyday?  How does it impact the people I serve?  How does it impact the world?
This will help you understand the meaning behind what you do.

Second, write a list of your personal values.  The values that you live by in your personal life.  Then ask you self do I use these values at work or do I feel I need to deny those values in the work place.  When you are not aligned personally and professionally, it brings chaos to your life.  When you learn how to use those values at work and not deny them, you are willing to do more because it feels good to live a value you that’s important to you in every aspect of your life.

Lastly, what is the difference you want to make at work.  Purpose is an outcome that guides your planned actions.  When you make a difference, you make and impact and you feel fulfilled.  Kenneth Hilderbrand said, “Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purpose; lesser ones exist on wishes and inclinations.”

It’s time to ignite the flame in your heart.  It’s time for you to carry the torch from person to person.  It’s time to run with your torch.  An MVP torch is a sure fire way to get promoted, increase profits(I.P), improve performance(I.P) and impact people(I.P.).

What is your I.P. issue?

M.V.P. work can fix it.

Becky A. Davis

Make meaning not just Money

Make meaning not just money.

You get up everyday and go to work to come home tired, frustrated and unfulfilled.  You do this day after day after day.  Why?  Because you have bills to pay, a family to take care of, things you want?  I get it and I even understand it.

But what if your work could be different in the same job for the same company?

How?  I’m glad you asked.

Dr. Victor Frankl, a prisoner of consentration camp in Auschwitz, believed that man seeks meaning, and that discovering the special significance in one’s life is a healing process.

What is the meaning of the work you do every day?  When you are asked what type of work do you do, do you give your job title or explain the meaning behind what you do?

A mail carrier was asked, “do you enjoy delivering mail everyday?”  She responded. “I don’t just deliver mail.  I connect people together.  People depend on me daily and it is my responsibility to not let them down.”  That’s meaning.  She is able to look at the big picture of her role at work.

It’s not about just making what you do soumd important.  It’s about looking for the meaning in what you do every day.

Ask yourself these questions about your position?

  • Why is what I do important to the people I serve?
  • What’s the emotional benefit to others?
  • Why does my job matter to the world?

These questions will start you thinking about the meaning of what you do everyday.

You can change your workplance if you focus on making meaning and not just money.


M.V.P. work  (Meaning, Values, Purpose)