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Make meaning not just Money

Make meaning not just money.

You get up everyday and go to work to come home tired, frustrated and unfulfilled.  You do this day after day after day.  Why?  Because you have bills to pay, a family to take care of, things you want?  I get it and I even understand it.

But what if your work could be different in the same job for the same company?

How?  I’m glad you asked.

Dr. Victor Frankl, a prisoner of consentration camp in Auschwitz, believed that man seeks meaning, and that discovering the special significance in one’s life is a healing process.

What is the meaning of the work you do every day?  When you are asked what type of work do you do, do you give your job title or explain the meaning behind what you do?

A mail carrier was asked, “do you enjoy delivering mail everyday?”  She responded. “I don’t just deliver mail.  I connect people together.  People depend on me daily and it is my responsibility to not let them down.”  That’s meaning.  She is able to look at the big picture of her role at work.

It’s not about just making what you do soumd important.  It’s about looking for the meaning in what you do every day.

Ask yourself these questions about your position?

  • Why is what I do important to the people I serve?
  • What’s the emotional benefit to others?
  • Why does my job matter to the world?

These questions will start you thinking about the meaning of what you do everyday.

You can change your workplance if you focus on making meaning and not just money.


M.V.P. work  (Meaning, Values, Purpose)