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How To Influence Influential People To Get What You Want

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I have some exciting BUSINESS news – and I am about to burst out the seams to share it with you but I am nervous about it.

You see I am re-branding and reinventing my business for 2015. I was going to wait to share the news but I am absolutely beside myself with excitement so I decided to share it with you now.

I have been working with a great business coach and she has rocked my business world. After a few years in business, my business has experienced some success and I have completely failed in many areas.  Have you ever felt excited and nervous at the same time?  That’s how I feel right now.

You know how you can help people and forget to help yourself. Oprah recently helped Iyanla fix her house, since Iyanla has done so much to help others fix their life, it is easy to forget about you.   I have done the same thing and I am sure you probably have too.

So now I have a simple favor to ask of you…. it will not cost you a cent, just a minute or two of your time.

I have had so many people ask me how I have been able to do some of the things I’ve done, travel to the places I gone, and speak all over the country.  People ask me “how did you do it so fast.”

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So, I decided to share with you one of my secrets to growth and help as many people as I can personally and professionally achieve the same type of growth and skip some of my failures. I’ll be sharing some of those failures with you soon.

I am currently creating a training course that teaches you how to become a person of influence to get what you want, the way you want it, when you want it. Building influence has been a secret weapon for my business and me.

I want to teach you some techniques and skills that I have used that worked for me. I plan to launch this training program in January 2015 along with the rebrand of my business.

What is influence? Influence is what great leaders are made of. Influence can create wealth. Influence can open doors that would never open for others. Stevie Wonder said, “We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.” I want to show you how I use influence to grow my business. I am still learning and researching the power of influence.

The Power of Influence is a game changer.

Could you see yourself on this list of influential game changers?

  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Bill Clinton
  • Steve Harvey
  • Bill Gates
  • Insert your name here

These people have the influence to sell out stadiums, create multi-million dollar brands for themselves and others and make change in the world. You could have that same type of impact as well, if you learn how to become an influencer.

I’m putting together this awesome training course on Influence and would like to gain additional information from you to make it even better. Your feedback will influence the program content.

Click this link to complete a 4-question survey on influence.

Your responses are completely anonymous and your feedback will help hundreds of people all over the world. Now that is Influence.

Thanks for your help.

Becky A. Davis


I’ll keep you up to date on my business re-brand and the new influence course. Plus, I’m coming up with some idea’s of how I can reward you for your help.  Stay tuned.

You can’t stumble on something great sitting down.

Stop waiting for things to happen, and make them happen.  Crossing your fingers don’t work.  People keep complaining, but they do nothing about it.  

Get up off your butt and do something! 

Becky A. Davis

Leadership Transformation Coach Becky Davis works with leaders in corporate and small business owners on business growth though effective leadership. Becky helps small businesses stay up after they start up. Davis specializes in helping leaders build their business and boost their bottom line through effective and engaging leadership.  She also helps a personal development coach. 

Go to to learn more.