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For Better or For Work

You are familiar with the feeling. Setting your alarm on Sunday night and having a sense of dread wash over you. It will be five long, dreary days before a reprieve is granted.

Sadly, over a million Americans call in sick each day and the truth is that most simply don’t like their jobs and aren’t sick at all.

Our days are structured in a way that our most productive hours are spent in a workplace while family and friends get the leftovers. In addition, workers are plagued by a feeling that their job defines them. This often leads to stress and feelings of inferiority for those who aren’t happy in their profession. So many of these people are supervisors, managers and leaders and everyone that works with them feel the impact of them not liking their job. Leaders who feel this way can drive employees to hating their job too.

On the other hand, there are a percentage of individuals who love what they do. They wake up excited, refreshed and ready to face the day. Without their job, life would have little meaning or purpose.

So what is the difference between these two groups?

Well, the answer is commitment.

Think about it. Happy employees understand that every job has drawbacks and circumstances beyond their control. Yet, they don’t allow these problems to influence their mindset or ruin the day. Committed employees work with a purpose resulting in a drive for excellence that negates all the negatives. Managers who feel this way, usually have employees that love working for them.

Unhappy employees on the other hand refuse to be happy no matter the circumstances. They find fault in everything and are usually chronic complainers. They simply have no skin in the game as it were.

Consider a marriage ceremony. Most wedding contain marriage vows that are spoken out loud. One notable vow is, “from this day forward, for better, for worse… “.

Marriage, as many of us know is never easy. You work at it daily and try your best to make it extraordinary but struggle mightily. So how is it possible that some people remain married for 50 or 60 years?

Well again, the answer is commitment.

Employees who love their jobs pick a profession they love and continue to be dedicated for the remainder of their working days. Husbands who love their wives pick a woman they love and remain devoted until death.

Your occupation is your choice. Make the correct one and then commit yourself to that choice!

For better or for work.

Please join me for a free tele-seminar on December 6, 2012 at 1 pm eastern to learn, How to get promoted: Executive Insider Secrets. Go to to register now. The class is filling up fast.

You can download a FREE copy of my new Ebook, 10 Things Managers Should Know That Employees Hate: How it’s Costing 10% Profits. Go to

Fulfilling Work with Purpose

In Roy Spense book, “It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What You Stand For,” he shares what purposeful work can to.

  • Purpose Can Take You Higher
  • Purpose Can Make You Better
  • Purpose Can Accelerate Your Momentum
  • Purpose Can Set You Free from the Sea of Sameness
  • Purpose Can Move You from Discounts to What Counts
  • Purpose Can Create Common Ground on Higher Ground
  • Purpose Can Create a Grassroots Movement
  • Purpose Can Explain the Unexplainable
  • Purpose Can Tee You Up to Be Exceptional  

A real purpose is about actions and not just words.  

In tough economic uncertainty, purpose is the glue to maintain performance, profits and people.  

Go to work tomorrow with a sense of purpose.  
